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Director and Coach changing parent log in email or password

Article ID: 38039 Print
How can coaches change log in details for parents if there is problems with log in.


Directors & Coaches Manually Changing Parents Email or Passwords


Follow these steps below to change the email address and or password for parent accounts.

1. Login to Goal Reports

2. Click on the Teams tab

3. Click on Roster of the desired team.

4. Click on Edit next to the desired player

5. Scroll down the page to the Parent Accounts and then click on edit.


6. Insert the new email or password into the appropriate fields. 

7. Save the information. 

7. Send an email to the parent with the new log in details you have created for them.

Please Note: When changing log in details you must manually send an email to the parent

to privide them with the new log in details.

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Article Details
Views: 5968 Created on: Sep 18, 2013
Date updated: Sep 18, 2013
